Friday, October 30, 2009


So this is totally unrelated to TAoCKF but it is helpful to understanding my process.
I gave a workshop today on Character Design (taking tips from such great artists as Chris Sasaki and Ben Caldwell), and it went really well, so I decided to share it with y'all!
Hope you get a lot out of it (if you're not already awesome like Chris Sasaki or Ben Caldwell). :P

p.s. edit- finally fixed the timing problem. hope you enjoy!

p.p.s. Those last slides are my own artwork, and that's why they're not labeled.

p.p.p.s. If you'd like to share this video, I've also got it uploaded on my Youtube account here and it's free for embedding:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Update to Keep You on the Edge of Your Seat

The first two pages of the four-page The Adventures of Chester K Fingkelbottom teaser comic are drawn and scanned and ready to be lettered. They will be uploaded here sometime this weekend. :D

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Colored Sketches for more satisfaction

While you wait for the first page of the introduction to TAoCKF, I figured I'd toss the two colored sketches I had up here to keep you distracted.

Also, I've included the flier for my workshop on Friday, October 30th.
It's going to be at Norris Hall (SCAD), probably on the first floor at either 1 or 2 pm (need to double check the time), and we'll be discussing how to create unique and distinguishable characters for your stories, as well as how to design based on shapes and types of characters. There will be an exercise too, so bring your drawing materials if you're coming!

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

TAoCKF Sketches!

Hey all!
Figured I'd give you a little teaser by posting the first 10 concept sketches for The Adventures of Chester Fingkelbottom here.


#1. The sketch (of the soon-to-be female lead, Emma Evans) that defined the style for this comic. It started as just a fun change of pace for me, trying new things out after I got the Claire Wendling art book and ogled her amazing linework and motionful (that should be a word) figures. Then, later...

#2. Shortly after returning home from visiting friends in Indiana for a wedding, and bringing home my new "fiancee," a pink flamingo lawn ornament given to me by my best friend, and promptly named Chester Fingkelbottom, I started creating a story around it. The "fiancee" thing was a joke, of course. All my friends are getting married, and apparently it's my turn next. You can see that I first named him Chester W. Fingkelbottom, but that soon changed to K, for reasons you'll never know.
In this sketch, you'll also see my process for developing a character. (The notes should help you understand my way of thinking.) I particularly like the chibi drawing at the bottom of the sketch, which shows a daily interaction between Chester and Emma, the main characters.

#3. When I returned to Savannah for the next year of Grad School, I had a little get-together at my new apartment with my friends. We always have a Game Night, and every once in a while we'll break out the sketchbooks. That's when I picked up the idea for Chester Fingkelbottom again. You can see I made some changes to the designs for him and Emma. I was also developing their mannerisms and body language. I decided Chester would always walk in an unusual fashion, hiking his feet up almost to his rear with each step. Emma is a little ADD, so she's in constant motion and is easily distracted by things. (Pay no attention to the writing in the upper left-hand corner. We were talking about strange things that night. But if you can figure out the reference, more power to you.)

#4. Another sketch of Emma, trying to get down her body language a little more. I imagine she and Chester had gone to the Zoo and she ran ahead, spinning wildly around to announce that they have goats in the petting zoo.

#5. You have no idea how extremely fun it is to draw Emma in chibi form. As usual, she's running like a wild animal.

#6. An awkward intimate moment between Chester and Emma in the kitchen. Chester was making eggs for Emma when she hopped up on the counter and gave him a little peck on the beak. She probably burned her hand shortly afterward.

#7. Chibi Chester Head. That's all you really need to know. (This will be used in the comic somewhere, but I won't tell you what for.)

#8. They're filming in Savannah. On a ride home I thought I saw Robert Redford, but then I realized I really couldn't remember what he looked like. I'm an idiot when it comes to recognizing/naming famous people.

#9. Some fun sketches after a workshop with Ben Caldwell. These are partially inspired by my recent envy of Meredith McClaren's wonderfully expressive artwork (she's iniquitousfish on here, so go check her out). Emma has a cat named Chubbs (for obvious reasons).

#10. A conceptual sketch of one of the minor characters in the story, Stephan. He's short, tanned, and has curly, thick, beautiful black hair that's always tied back in a ponytail. He often gets mistaken for an Italian.

That's all, folks!
Hope that's enough to whet your palette until I get the comic up!
Let me know what you think!

-Emily Sampson,

Friday, October 23, 2009

Welcome to the Adventure!

Hi there!
Pretty soon, there will be some exciting updates to this page, I promise.
This will be the home for the new comic strip/fantasy journal comic "The Adventures of Chester K Fingkelbottom."


Emma Evans returns from summer vacation to host a get-together with all her Grad-School friends, and to introduce them to her new fiancee, Chester K Fingkelbottom.
Not only does it come as a shock that Emma's suddenly returned engaged to someone they've never heard of, but when he walks in the door for the first time they find he's a tall pink anthropomorphic flamingo.
Everyone else is disturbed by this, but Emma doesn't seem to notice that he's... different.
With two of her friends crushing majorly on her, and Chester's "condition" seriously freaking out all her friends, Emma lives her life the way she always does- anything but normally.
Her eccentric and hyperactive personality is juxtaposed by Chester's cool and calm demeanor; the perfect fuel for an adventure.